Real struggle. Real help.

The struggle is real. We say that so easily now. Almost dismissively. We often use it to describe what we could call “first world problems”: losing a phone, undesirable work hours or even a hard day with the kids. But for one lady, the struggle was very real. In fact, it was unbearable.

Jan was going through a divorce, working an hourly paid job, trying to take care of her kids and restart her life. Things weren’t easy, but she was making ends meet. Then her car died. With no way to get to work, she risked losing her job. With no way to get her kids to school, she began to despair. With no money to get a new car and no support available from the soon to be ex-husband, she couldn’t see a solution. 


Then Waves of Goodness Foundation heard about her story. With funds allocated to help people just like her, we bought her a new car. We’re not here to toot our own horn though. This is about sharing how we find the individual in need and seek to improve their life, specific to their needs. She didn’t need money. She needed transportation. So we sought the best way to provide as permanent a solution as possible. 

In her own words: “I have no idea how I would have ever got a car. It was beyond a huge blessing. My life is so much better with a car.” When a gift of charity can have that kind of impact, why wouldn’t we all want to be involved? 

Involvement can be through donations, services, items of value, tickets or volunteering. It’s not about what you give, but about taking the time and thought to give from yourself. What talents do you possess? How can you share them? Who can benefit from your friendship and caring? Get involved with Waves of Goodness and together we will invest in human kind.

Austin Gunther